Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Cooking: Canned Fruit to Baby Food

Okay, So since I started making baby food, I've gotten a lot of questions about it. Doesn't it take a lot of time? Isn't it expensive? Doesn't it take a lot of equipment? So I decided to do a little tutorial about how I turned this canned fruit ($1 on sale) into baby food.

First start with fruit in 100% juice. Not the heavy syrup. 
I drained off the juice and saved it to freeze so next month, I can start giving Avery diluted fruit juice. (Must be the Dutch in me trying to use/save everything I can :-)

Then throw it in the blender. As for time, I did this while I was preparing spaghetti and held back a couple pear halves for my Husband and me. So as far as how long it takes to prepare, so far, no time at all.

Then puree! You can use a high-speed blender like mine, or you can use a food processor, or one of those special baby food makers, but whatever you have on hand would work.

Make sure it's a nice and smooth consistancy.

Portion out the pureed pears into your freezer trays or ice trays. You could also put these in sterallized glass jars.

As always - Fruit must pass the "Meeko Test." Our silly cat loves fruit!

Wrap it up in tinfoil.

Throw it in the freezer, and a few hours later, you've got frozen baby food. Make sure to suck out the extra air, label the date and what it is on the outside, and store away! They should be good for about 2 months in the freezer. Avery is now taking about 3 of these each feeding, so we'll be thru these in no time!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to cover the tray in foil for freezing! Also: I cannot believe all of the food you get from one can.
