Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Here I am, starting a new Adventure!

My name is Kate, I am a wife, mother, and above all, a crafter :-)
I just had a little baby girl, and I find I can't wait to make all sorts of fun things for her!! Recently my friend suggested I start blogging to keep track of all the great things I do!

Here are some swaddling blankets, I think these are the first things I made for her

Little Avery is really long, and every time we tried to swaddle her, her toes would stick out as soon as we finished wrapping her up!

So I took a trip to JoAnn's to pick up some fabric, and a little measuring, cutting and sewing later, viola! Swaddling blankets big enough for for our silly monkey.

The finished size of each blanket ended up being 50" squared. Hopefully these last a LONG time!!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and hopefully you follow me to see all the fun things I create!


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