Monday, March 26, 2012

Crafting: Butterfly Mobile

I picked up some cute sparkly butterflies from the Dollar Store, and knew I wanted to do something with them!

I remember as a kid covering embroidery hoops with ribbon to make various projects, and there is a noticable blank space in our nursery, right above where the glider is. Every time I feed Avery, I notice her looking around as if to say "C'mon mom, give me something to look at!" So, here you go Avery!

I used some ribbon that was left over from our wedding. I love the color - Victorian Lilac, and I love the idea of using things from our wedding in things for her room. I know it's a little thing, but it's nice to look around and see things that were for Andy & me, that have now been re-purposed to be for Andy, Avery & me!

I've hung it in a temporary spot, and she can't keep her eyes off it! Its really neat when the sun hits the rhinestones on the butterflies, and sends sparkles all over the room!

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