Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Crafting: Flower Hair Clips

I have been so excited about these, and maybe I've gone a little overboard!

It started when I found a bunch of 7 flower heads for $1 at Dollar Tree. I have seen the adorable clip on flowers for $6 each in the store, and figured I would be able to make a few for less than $6. Here are the first couple Flower Hair Clips I made

Then my sister-in-law requested purple, so Yeah! I got to go looking for an appropriate purple, and found green and yellow too! Here's Avery rocking out with the purple flower on our walk

And here is Avery at the office with the Green Flower Hair Clip

The bonus has been that Avery loves staring at all the different colored flowers, I've clipped them to the top of the curtains in her room, and she just stares at them! I've even clipped them to her mobile (hmmm, maybe a flower clip mobile is in her future?)

And here are all the flowers I have left to make into hair clips!

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